The Hamburg Hunting and Fishing Club is actively seeking good wildlife habitat projects.
Interested parties that have land with the potential to implement one of the following practices may be eligible:
- Grassland restoration for nesting habitat Now is the time to plan for improving/expanding nesting habitat. It’s simple. More nesting habitat = more birds/wildlife
- Shelterbelt tree plantings/woody cover food plots Typically conifer/evergreen planting with fruit bearing shrubs incorporated on the outside. Provides winter cover from storm and late season winter food source for game and non-game species.
- Wetland restorations Cattail sloughs provide ESSENTIAL winter habitat for pheasants. In fact in almost all winters, the lack of sufficient winter habitat areas is the main limiting factor for pheasant survival. If possible Water levels will be raised enough to provide open water habitat for waterfowl and other non-game species. Eligible wetland restoration sites will be those where a ditch plug, tile break or embankment construction is feasible to raise/impound water.
- Food Plots Eligible sites will be those that are in close proximity to good winter cover. An ideal site would be one that is next to cattail slough and a woody cover shelterbelt is implemented on the N and W side of the food plot.
Many times there are federal and/or state programs that can be partnered with. The proposed project may even be eligible to receive annual payments. Chapter/Club funds will then be utilized to help out with any additional out of pocket expenses.
If interested or you just would like someone to come out to evaluate if there is any potential for habitat improvement on your land, contact David Dammann 763-354-8095 or Brian Biermann 952-412-5057